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"A dance practice where we listen deeply to the wisdom of the body
and the whisperings of the soul."
Vincent Grieco-Martinez

According to lore, over 60 years ago a young boy named Vincent Martinez (often referred to as Vinnie) after bounding down the stairs, is skipping along the sidewalk on his way to serve morning mass at the local Catholic Church. At that moment his mamma leans out the window and exclaims, “Vincent, always remember to keep your soul in motion”. Those words continued to spiral throughout his body as he grew into a unique movement artist. The young revolutionary was the first to step away from the confines and safety of the 5Rhythms, giving rise to platforms and principles that say pausing is an essential practice in cultivating presence, orienting oneself to a 360° view of the world is vital in including the excluded and each of us is a source of inspiration to be reflected and echoed in the world. 

These humble and holy beginnings now are a living legacy of an extraordinary body of work created by Vincent known as Soul Motion. Soul Motion International is a thriving collective where Soul Motion teachers and leaders gather and share the fruits of their creativity that nourish the vibrant Soul Motion village. The tendrils of the village have a reach that extends to multiple countries and continents and includes both northern and southern hemispheres. Many here are offering themselves through their teaching of movement classes, workshops and trainings, while others share the teachings through the dance they do in their every day lives. Each pathway is viewed as essential, sacred and in service to the vision of the practice of a soul in motion. 


Soul Motion is a somatic movement practice which cultivates the qualities of leadership - being present, grounded, centered, balanced, creative, active listening, holding clear vision, heart centered - and anchors them in the body. We embody these qualities in movement on the dance floor to live them on the world floor in our every day lives. It is an ongoing and unfolding practice whose benefits are achieved in accordance to the level of commitment one brings to the practice. These types of leadership qualities are being sought in every country across the world but many leadership trainings do not offer the embodiment aspect which is so integral in having a healthy relationship with ones self, with one other and with the greater community. This emphasis of Soul Motion to take what we learn on the dance floor and use it in our every day lives is what distinguishes Soul Motion from other movement modalities and why this path is both our passion and our purpose.


Soul Motion International is a thriving community where Soul Motion teachers and leaders gather and share the fruits of their creativity that nourish the vibrant Soul Motion village.


And I finally showed up in my life
And it's halfway through
And that's how long it takes

To undress myself of everything
Everything that is not mine

Unclothed at last
I am here
At the centre of my own life
At the centre of my own life
By Jane O'Shea

©Soul Motion International 2023. All rights reserved. Website designed by Anneli with creative support from Camilla, Kate-Marie and Winky. Photo credit to Jens Wazel and Hazel Marie Volk.

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